“In a similar way these are the ones on whom seed was sown on the rocky places, who, when they hear the word, immediately receive it with joy; 17and they have no firm root in themselves, but are only temporary; then, when affliction or persecution arises because of the word, immediately they fall away. Mark 4:16-17 NASB
Have you ever noticed that when God reveals something new to us through His word or through His church we will often face something that is completely contrary or that is in opposition to that word? Or within a matter of hours or days we will be given the opportunity to practice what was revealed to us. Jesus, in Mark 4:17 reveals this spiritual principle to us. In verse 16, a seed was sown in someone who did not have depth of soil but instead had a rocky foundation. The person receives the word with joy and the seed shoots up quickly. The picture here is that this person has the seed within their mind, they understand it and are joyful over it, but the seed has not yet entered the deeper places of their heart where it can be firmly rooted and produce fruit. So when affliction, trials, and persecutions come about because of that word, they have no depth and the seed withers away by being scorched by the trying, afflicting sun. Jesus says that the reason for the affliction and persecution that comes is because of the word. Verse 17: then, when affliction or persecution arises because of the word, immediately they fall away. The word is the reason for the afflictions and persecutions. Why is that? We find a reason for that in Psalm 105:19 which says: Until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him. What the psalmist is revealing here is that a person received a word. In the waiting for that word to manifest itself or come about, the same word of the Lord tested him. When we receive a word or revelation, the Lord will then test that word so that the "seed" moves from our minds into our hearts. The problem with this person in Mark 4:16-17 is that they had no depth of soil for the seed to move into and instead it was scorched by the sun and it withered away. The word was nothing more than any other idea that we can let go when times get tough. But imagine what would have happened if this person held onto that word despite the afflictions. Imagine if this person had other people around him to cultivate a deeper understanding of what was happening. Transformation would have happened in them and they would have seen the word come to pass instead of becoming another statistical tragedy. The reason for the sower of the seeds parable is to teach us that the word of God was never meant to stay on the surface of our minds. Instead, it is meant to move into our hearts and then into action. For that to take place a testing of the word is necessary. For example, the Lord may reveal to you that He is a God who heals. Then in the coming days you will encounter someone who is in need of healing. In that moment, the revelation you received of God being a healer is still in your mind. You believe it intellectually but the Lord is trying to move it into your heart so that it becomes something experiential and real instead of theoretical. Or, another example would be that the Lord reveals to you the power of fasting. Then shortly thereafter a friend will speak to you about how they are going to be fasting and would like to have someone do it with them. The planted revelation of the power of fasting is now being tested by the Lord in your life so that you can experience the power of fasting firsthand, instead of only reading about in the bible. Or, how about another. We hear that "God will supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory" (Phil 4:19). Then we face a financial crisis or affliction soon thereafter that tests that word we just received. In that moment we can believe the word of the Lord and see God's provision and mercy like never before, or we can become scorched by the trial, grumble, complain, and fall away. This is why Paul says in 2 Timothy 3:7 that in the last days there will be men who will come who will be "always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." The word for "knowledge" there does not mean head knowledge or theoretical understanding. The word means an experiential knowledge. Knowledge that is gained through a first-hand relationship and experience. Learning is extremely important and valuable but we have not been called to be hearers of the word; we have been called to be doers. Look for the opportunities that God has provided to take what He has shown you and move it into practice. And if you are facing afflictions or persecutions because of what God has spoken, rejoice! -- because breakthrough is coming if you endure. He has, He will, and He is bringing about those tests to prove His word to be true and trustworthy in your life. Questions to Consider: 1. What is something that God is showing to you right now? Have you been given the opportunity to put that revelation into practice? 2. Following Christ and the life of faith has a risk element to it. What are some areas in your life where you can take a risk to see God move? 3. Do you know someone facing a trial right now? Will you reach out to them with encouragement to keep trusting in what the Lord has revealed to them?
September 2022