35On that day, when evening came, He said to them, “Let us go over to the other side.” Mark 4:35 NASB
We all know what happens next in this story. The disciples follow Jesus, they face a deadly storm on the sea, Jesus gets up from sleeping and rebukes the storm, and the sea becomes calm. Jesus certainly knew what was about to happen before He led His disciples into the boat that day. Yet, Jesus had a mission to go to the other side of the sea and was not going to let a storm divert Him. The disciples (and most of us) would have probably thought of turning around to head back to the closest shore; but Jesus never offered that as an option. Maybe the disciples would have thought that this was a warning from God to not continue to the other side and to turn back. Once again, Jesus never uses that as an option. So, why is Jesus wanting to go to the other side so badly that He would lead Himself and the disciples into a deadly storm? The other side of the Sea of Galilee is what was called the Decapolis (which means 10 cities in Greek). In 64-63 BC, the Roman general Pompey brought the entire Near East under Rome's dominion. He incorporated the Greek cities east of the Sea of Galilee into a league of cities known as the Decapolis. Most of these cities resisted the Jewish religion and were pleased to have autonomy to be able to practice their own religion, education, culture and philosophy. This whole region was considered pagan as they worshiped other gods through sacrificing pigs and other animals and by teaching that the human form was the ultimate ideal. While all of this is important to note, Jesus is not going to the other side of the sea to try and specifically change the Greek culture; He is going over there for one man who is in need of freedom. They came to the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gerasenes. 2When He got out of the boat, immediately a man from the tombs with an unclean spirit met Him, Mark 5:1-2 NASB Jesus got into a boat, leaving behind crowds of people on the other side who were mesmerized by His teaching and authority, to face a storm that was considered life-threatening, to enter into a region that most Jewish people avoided because of their pagan practices, all to set free one man who was bound by demons who called themselves Legion. After Jesus gets done dealing with these demons (and pigs), He will be forced to leave the region. So, Jesus went through all of that to set free one man? So, what's on the other side of the sea? I am and so are you. It was not by chance that Christ found you. He did not just stumble upon you one day and call you to follow Him. The calling of Christ is an individual and sovereign call that Christ Himself makes. If you are in Christ right now, it is because Jesus humbled Himself, left His heavenly home, took on human form and suffered as a man on a cross that was meant for me and you. My redemption and your redemption was costly; all of eternity will be spent trying to comprehend the unmeasurable grace of God. Jesus came to the other side of the sea for you and for me, let us give Him the praise and worship due unto His name. "If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him."- C.T. Studd Questions to Consider: 1. Where did you find yourself before you met Christ? Will you share your testimony this week with someone you don't know? 2. Do you struggle with thankfulness or expressing your thankfulness? Will you take the time to express your thankfulness to God through prayer or praise for what He has done?
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September 2022